Monday, October 19, 2009

A Course on Freight Brokering

The job of a freight broker is basically finding stuff that needs to be moved then finding a truck that can move it. Companies may have a fleet of trucks that move most of their products but then occasionally use a freight broker to move a load that they can't get covered with one of the company trucks. Other companies can't justify owning trucks so they always use freight brokers to find trucks for their loads.

I have been in the trucking industry for a couple of decades in a variety of capacities. I have settled into being a freight broker because I am invigorated by the faced paced nature of the business. As a freight broker you spend a lot of time on the phone, fax, and online. You can work from anywhere you have phone and Internet access.

In the freight broker training course you will learn a process for finding loads and carriers or trucks to move the loads. You will learn the basics of running your own business. You will be encouraged and inspired by trainers that are successful freight brokers.

This is a business that has great earning potential in the long run. A graduate of the freight broker training course will usually start as an agent for an established broker then possibly decide to branch out on their own. It takes about 6 months of calling and establishing relationships before you start making money. Check it out through our elearning site. Check out testimonials from actual students on

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pajama Learning Debut

Welcome to Pajama Learning. On this blog we will tell our readers about various courses they can take in their Pajamas, online courses though our elearning center. Some courses can lead to a new career, others further the career you already have and still others just cuz you want to learn something new. Education is important. We all know that. But do we believe that. Do we start everyday thinking, what new thing can I learn today?

Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "Freedom to learn is the first necessity of guaranteeing that man himself shall be self-reliant enough to be free." Read that again. Before we get freedom we must learn. A baby is totally reliant on a parent or caregiver. As they grow and learn, they become more and more free.

So learn something new and you will find a new freedom.

Don't you know,

Jeff Roach